Scientific and technological development in Paraguay : CONACYT's achievements and challenges
Delgado, CynthiaFecha de publicación
2023-09-11Tipo de publicación
Desarrollo científico
Gestión del conocimiento
Innovación científica
Investigación y desarrollo
Organismo científico
Política científica
Programa científico
Scientific development
Knowledge management
Scientific innovations
Research and development
Scientific organizations
Science policy
Scientific programmes
Gestión del conocimiento
Innovación científica
Investigación y desarrollo
Organismo científico
Política científica
Programa científico
Scientific development
Knowledge management
Scientific innovations
Research and development
Scientific organizations
Science policy
Scientific programmes
The National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) in Paraguay, created by Law 1028 in 1996, has been a key player in promoting scientific and technological developments in the country. This entity is responsible for coordinating two National Systems: The Science and Technology System (SNCTI) and Quality System (SNC). Its main objective is to generate policies and strategies that promote scientific and technological progress; prioritize social, ethical, and environmental sustainability; and promote scientific education and research (1). This article will examine in detail the significant achievements of CONACYT in the last nine years and the key programs it has implemented, such as the Paraguayan Program for the Development of Science and Technology (PROCIENCIA) and Paraguayan Business Innovation Program (PROINNOVA).