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dc.contributor.authorRamírez, Arianis Tatiana
dc.contributor.authorValls, Joan
dc.contributor.authorBaena, Armando
dc.contributor.authorRojas, Freddy David
dc.contributor.authorRamírez, Katherine
dc.contributor.authorÁlvarez, Rodrigo
dc.contributor.authorCristaldo, Carmen
dc.contributor.authorHenríquez, Odessa
dc.contributor.authorMoreno, Adrián
dc.contributor.authorColque Reynaga, Daysi
dc.contributor.authorGonzález Palma, Hans
dc.contributor.authorRobinson, Isabel
dc.contributor.authorHernández, Diana Carolina
dc.contributor.authorBardales, Rosa
dc.contributor.authorCardinal, Lucía
dc.contributor.authorSalgado, Yuly
dc.contributor.authorMartínez, Sandra
dc.contributor.authorGonzález, Emmanuel
dc.contributor.authorGuillén, Diego
dc.contributor.authorFleider, Laura
dc.contributor.authorTatti, Silvio
dc.contributor.authorVillagra, Verónica 
dc.contributor.authorVenegas, Gino
dc.contributor.authorCruz Valdez, Aurelio
dc.contributor.authorValencia, Marleny
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez, Guillermo
dc.contributor.authorTerán, Carolina
dc.contributor.authorPicconi, María Alejandra
dc.contributor.authorFerrera, Annabelle
dc.contributor.authorKasamatsu, Elena Satiko 
dc.contributor.authorMendoza Torres, Laura Patricia 
dc.contributor.authorCalderón, Alejandro
dc.contributor.authorLuciani, Silvana
dc.contributor.authorBroutet, Nathalie
dc.contributor.authorDarragh, Teresa M.
dc.contributor.authorAlmonte, Maribel
dc.contributor.authorHerrero, Rolando
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad Nacional de Asunción. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Saludes
dc.identifier.citationRamírez, A. T., Valls, J., Baena, A., Rojas, F. D., Ramírez, K., Álvarez, R., Cristaldo, C., Henríquez, O., Moreno, A., Reynaga, D. C., Palma, H. G., Robinson, I., Hernández, D. C., Bardales, R., Cardinal, L., Salgado, Y., Martínez, S., González, E., Guillén, D., Fleider, L., … ESTAMPA Study Group. (2023). Performance of cervical cytology and HPV testing for primary cervical cancer screening in Latin America: an analysis within the ESTAMPA study. The Lancet Regional Health Americas, 26, Artículo 100593.
dc.descriptionCorresponding author. E-mail address: (A.T. Ramírez).en
dc.descriptionArtículo científico premiado con una Mención Honorífica por el Premio Nacional de Ciencias de la edición 2024, otorgado por la Honorable Cámara de Senadores del Congreso Nacional de la República del
dc.description.abstractBackground. Cervical cytology remains widely used as the initial tool in cervical cancer screening worldwide. WHO guidelines recommend replacing cytology with primary HPV testing to reach cervical cancer elimination goals. We assessed the performance of cytology and high-risk HPV testing to detect cervical precancer, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 3 or worse (CIN3+) among women aged 30–64 years participating in the ESTAMPA study. Methods. Women were screened with cytology and HPV across ESTAMPA study centres in Latin America. Screen-positives were referred to colposcopy with biopsy collection and treatment as needed. Those with no evident precancer were recalled at 18-months for a second HPV test to complete disease ascertainment. Performance indicators for cytology and HPV to detect CIN3+ were estimated. Findings. 30,606 participants with available cytology and HPV results were included in the analysis. A total of 440 histologically confirmed CIN3s and 30 cancers were diagnosed. Cytology sensitivity for CIN3+ was 48.5% (95% CI: 44.0–53.0), whereas HPV testing had a sensitivity of 98.1% (95% CI: 96.3–96.7). Specificity was 96.5% (95% CI: 96.3–96.7) using cytology and 88.7% (95% CI: 88.3–89.0) with HPV. Performance estimates varied substantially by study centre for cytology (ranging from 32.1% to 87.5% for sensitivity and from 89.2% to 99.5% for specificity) while for HPV results were more consistent across sites (96.7%–100% and 83.6–90.8%, respectively). Interpretation. The limited and highly variable sensitivity of cytology strongly supports transition to the more robust and reproducible HPV-based cervical screening to ensure progress towards global cervical cancer elimination targets in Latin
dc.description.sponsorshipConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologíaes
dc.format.extent11 páginases
dc.publisherThe Lancetes
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Intergovernmental Organization*
dc.subject.classification7. Saludes
dc.subject.classification7.2. Abarca desde medicina preventiva, incluyendo todos los aspectos de tratamientos médicos y quirúrgicos, tanto para individuos como para grupos, y las provisiones de hospitales y cuidado domiciliario, medicina social e investigación pediátrica y geriátricaes
dc.subject.otherAmérica Latinaes
dc.subject.otherDetección precoz del cánceres
dc.subject.otherDisplasia del cuello del úteroes
dc.subject.otherInfecciones por papillomaviruses
dc.subject.otherNeoplasias del cuello uterinoes
dc.subject.otherTamizaje masivoes
dc.subject.otherVirus del Papiloma Humanoes
dc.subject.otherLatin Americaen
dc.subject.otherEarly detection of canceren
dc.subject.otherUterine cervical dysplasiaen
dc.subject.otherPapillomavirus infectionsen
dc.subject.otherUterine cervical neoplasmsen
dc.subject.otherMass screeningen
dc.subject.otherHuman Papillomavirus Virusesen
dc.titlePerformance of cervical cytology and HPV testing for primary cervical cancer screening in Latin America : an analysis within the ESTAMPA studyes
dc.description.fundingtextPrograma Paraguayo para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y Tecnología. Proyectos de investigación y desarrolloes
dc.journal.titleThe Lancet Regional Health – Americases
dc.rights.copyright© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND IGO license (
dc.subject.ocde3. Ciencias Médicas y de la Saludes
dc.subject.ocde3.3. Ciencias de la Salud (salud pública, medicina social, higiene, enfermería, epidemiología)es

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