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dc.contributor.authorCaballero González, Norma Beatriz 
dc.contributor.authorCasanova Ozuna, Pablo Javier
dc.contributor.authorMonteiro Schaerer, Magna María 
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad Nacional de Asunción. Facultad Politécnicaes
dc.identifier.citationCaballero, N., Casanova Ozuna, P., & Monteiro, M. (2019). Kinetic analysis of lead removal by natural hydroxyapatite from aqueous solution in high concentration. Materials Research Ibero-american Journal of Materials, 22, Artículo e20180859.
dc.descriptionCorrespondencia: Magna Monteiro, e-mail: mmonteiro@pol.una.pyes
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this work was to study of the kinetic of Pb(II) sorption, in high lead concentration aqueous solution, by the natural hydroxyapatite (HA) and to verify whether there is a different behavior between natural and synthetic HA under different lead concentrations. Batch experiments were carried out using solutions with high lead concentration, with the objective to evaluate the effect of contact time, HA dosage and initial metal concentration on lead removal. Kinetic data were analyzed by pseudo-first and pseudo-second order models. The sorption data was then correlated with the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. The PZC obtained was slightly different than those reported by other authors, who evaluated the process under low concentrations and synthetic HA as adsorbent. It was possible to identify the optimum relation between Pb(II) concentrations and mass of HA for efficiency of approximately 100% at optimum contact time. Although the results show a certain instability during the removal of lead when the concentration is much higher, the process can be considered effective. Liquid samples were analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy and solid samples were by X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared
dc.description.sponsorshipConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologíaes
dc.format.extent7 páginases
dc.publisherAssociação Brasileira de Metalurgia e Materiaises
dc.publisherAssociação Brasileira de Cerâmicapt
dc.publisherAssociação Brasileira de Polímerospt
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subject.classification2. Medio ambientees
dc.subject.classification2.7. Protección del aguaes
dc.subject.otherDiffusion modelses
dc.subject.otherHigh lead concentrationes
dc.subject.otherLoad zero-pointes
dc.titleKinetic analysis of lead removal by natural hydroxyapatite from aqueous solution in high concentrationes
dc.description.fundingtextPrograma Paraguayo para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y Tecnología. Proyectos de investigación y desarrolloes
dc.journal.titleMaterials Research Ibero-american Journal of Materialses
dc.rights.copyright© 2019 Caballero et

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