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dc.contributor.authorCampi, Michelle Geraldine 
dc.contributor.authorMancuello Chaparro, Claudia Raquel 
dc.contributor.authorFerreira Benítez, Francisco Paulo
dc.contributor.authorMaubet Cano, Yanine Elizabeth 
dc.contributor.authorCristaldo Centurión, Enzo Leonardo
dc.contributor.authorGayoso Melgarejo, Elvio
dc.contributor.authorRobledo, Gerardo Lucio
dc.contributor.otherUniversidad Nacional de Asunción. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturaleses
dc.identifier.citationCampi, M., Mancuello, C., Ferreira, F., Maubet, Y., Cristaldo, E., Gayoso, E., & Robledo, G. (2023). Does the source matter? Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity from mycelium in liquid medium, wild and cultivated fruiting bodies of the neotropical species Ganoderma tuberculosum. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 13(1), Artículo e6148.
dc.descriptionCorresponding author:,
dc.description.abstractAs a continuation of the study of the biologically active compounds of native neotropical Ganoderma species in Paraguay, the content of total phenolic compounds, total antioxidants and percentage of antioxidant activity of the fractions extracted with ethanol, hexane, diethyl ether, ethyl acetate and water of mycelium in liquid medium, wild and cultivated fruiting bodies of G. tuberculosum, were analyzed. Biologically active compounds were highest in the diethyl ether fractions of wild fruiting bodies, 126.49 ± 4.19 mg. (GAE) g-1 (milligrams of Gallic acid equivalent per grams of crude extract), antioxidant compounds content of 130.94 ± 5.302 mg .g-1 AAE (milligrams of Ascorbic acid equivalent per grams of crude extract) and activity percentage of 70.93% compared to 67.39 ± 1.5 mg. (GAE) g-1, 48.37 ± 0.73.g-1 AAE and 45.63% antioxidant activity. According to the values obtained in the present study, the fruiting body of Ganoderma tuberculosum is a promising source of antioxidant compounds for the food
dc.description.sponsorshipConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologíaes
dc.format.extent7 páginases
dc.publisherSlovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Scienceses
dc.rightsAtribución 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subject.classification7. Saludes
dc.subject.classification7.3. Prevención, vigilancia y control de enfermedades transmisibles y no transmisibleses
dc.subject.otherAntioxidant compoundses
dc.subject.otherBiological activityes
dc.subject.otherDPPH radicalses
dc.subject.otherGanoderma tuberculosumes
dc.titleDoes the source matter? Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity from mycelium in liquid medium, wild and cultivated fruiting bodies of the neotropical species Ganoderma tuberculosumes
dc.description.fundingtextPrograma Paraguayo para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y Tecnología. Proyectos de investigación y desarrolloes
dc.journal.titleJournal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Scienceses
dc.rights.copyright© 2022 Gerardo Robledo, Michelle Campi, Claudia Mancuello, Francisco Ferreira, Yanine Maubet, Enzo Cristaldo, Elvio Gayosoes
dc.subject.ocde1. Ciencias Naturaleses
dc.subject.ocde1.5. Ciencias Biológicas (biología, botánica, bacteriología, microbiología, zoología, entomología, genética, bioquímica, biofísica, otras disciplinas afines a excepción de ciencias clínicas y veterinarias)es

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